Pet grooming is an essential part of your pet's wellness care. It is more than just a fluffy coat and a fashionable bandana. When our veterinary care staff regularly grooms your family pet, it is an opportunity for us to have a hands-on, nose-to-tail assessment of your pet's overall wellness. At Allied Animal HealthCare in Riverdale, our pet grooming staff is trained to look for surface abnormalities that, if left unchecked, may lead to a serious medical condition.
Not every pet enjoys the process of brushing, bathing, nail trimming, etc. It can be a struggle to get your pet in the tub, dry it off, and brush out the snarls. Our dedicated and highly skilled staff is adept at handling reluctant bathers with compassion and care. We have a bag full of tricks to get your four-legged friend washed and looking fresh and clean.
Our staff checks your pet during the grooming process. We evaluate your pet's ears looking for infections and parasites. We check your pet's eyes, making sure they are bright and clear. The teeth and gums are evaluated during the grooming process looking for periodontal disease. Your pet's skin and coat are a good indication of its overall health. Bathing schedules are different for each breed. We will assist you in determining the correct schedule for your pet’s particular breed.
Brushing your pet is one of the best ways to help keep your pet's coat and skin healthy. By regularly brushing your pet’s fur, you help remove molting hair, which also reduces your pet's hair ingestion. Brushing stimulates the skin and removes some of the natural oils in your pet's hair. Too much oil can block the pores and cause unwanted skin irritation.
An additional benefit of brushing your pet's coat is it becomes a fun bonding time with your furry friend. If it is reluctant to happily join in on the grooming process, be patient and slowly work up to a full brushing session. At-home sessions are great but you will need to rely on professional care once in a while. We have several methods to keep your pet relaxed and help it learn to love grooming.
Our staff at Allied Animal HealthCare is happy to answer any pet grooming questions. Call our team today at (770) 573-2732 or reach us through our website by using our online appointment form.