Flea and Tick

Flea and tick

Flea and Tick Bites

When fleas and ticks bite your pet, their saliva comes in contact with your pet's bloodstream. They spread bacteria to pets this way. Both flea and tick bites are extremely itchy to pets. This can cause them to scratch and bite at the area, and it can become infected. Flea bites can also cause allergic dermatitis as well as other health problems for your pet if he is allergic to the flea's saliva. Tick bites can lead to serious problems like paralysis when pets are not protected from them.

Spreading Disease

Flea bites can bring a host of problems to your pet. The constant bites can cause anemia in animals. If your pet eats a flea while scratching at a bite, he can get a tapeworm. This can also happen if a tapeworm egg is deposited under your pet’s skin.

Ticks can cause several serious diseases, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Depending on the variety of the tick, it can transmit one of more than 15 illnesses and infections that can be caused by its bite.

Flea and Tick Prevention

It is important to have your pet on a flea and tick preventative medication all the time. This will keep him from being infested by these parasites. When you visit our veterinarian, ask about the many medications we offer. The medication that you choose may last weeks, months, or a full year for your pet. We also offer medications in the form of oral tablets or spot treatments. You may also choose a flea collar for your pet. You should choose whichever method is right for your schedule and lifestyle. If your pet does get infected, we have sprays that control flea and tick infestations.

Bring Your Pet to Our Veterinarian

If your pet does not have a parasite prevention method, we can help. At Allied Animal HealthCare in Riverdale, GA, we offer pet exams to make sure your pet is healthy, and we can give your pet preventative medication for fleas and ticks. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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